Home insurance companies may sometimes refuse to renew your policies for various reasons. If your insurer chooses not to renew your home insurance policy, they must notify you 30 days before it expires. Here are things you should do if your provider refuses to renew your home insurance policy.
Find Out The Reason.
Insurance providers must give you reasons why they won’t be renewing your policy before they can drop you. For example, sometimes, insurance companies cannot continue to provide coverage in certain states. If that is the case, having the same company renew your insurance policy will be impossible. Also, some insurance providers may decide not to renew your policy if you have filed too many claims. If you’re in this situation, try to speak with your insurance company and see if you can resolve the situation.
Get Your Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) Report.
You are privileged to get a copy of your CLUE report if your provider isn’t leaving your state. The CLUE Report is a piece of information shared by insurers. It consists of your claims history and any coverage inquiries you have made. You need to review the report to ensure it is correct. If there is any inaccurate statement, try to file a dispute and request the statement be removed.
Look For Other Providers.
If your home insurance provider refuses to renew your policy, you should consider shopping around. Also, some insurance companies may refuse to cover your home if you live in a disaster-prone area.