Multi-car insurance is an excellent way to protect all your cars under one policy and save money on all your premiums if you’re a newly wedded couple and want to add your spouse’s car to your insurance or you have a child that just started driving. A multi-car insurance policy can give you the coverage you need with a single premium. However, there’s a lot you need to know about adding another car to your auto policy. Multi-car insurance will give you added protection and help guard your finances against losses.
How Does a Multi-car insurance Work?
A multi-car insurance policy typically covers multiple cars up to five. In most cases, multiple car insurance works out to be a better deal than buying the same coverage with different insurance companies for each vehicle. This policy allows you to add teen drivers or spouses that live under your roof and use their own cars.
Can I add my Friend’s Car?
Some insurance companies won’t allow you to add another driver who’s outside of your family to your policy, while others will let you add them, given that they have your permission to do so. Contact your insurance agent to get information on what’s allowed.
Can I Temporarily add someone to my Policy?
In most cases, an auto insurance policy typically covers you, your partner or spouse, and relatives who live in your home. It can extend to other people who have permission to drive your vehicle. If you’ve got a relative visiting you, and they will be driving your car once in a while, your insurance policy might likely allow you to add them to your policy temporarily.