While having a car can add much comfort, it also adds to your expenses. The first thing you must do immediately after your acquisition is to insure the car. If you already have auto insurance, you’ll need to work with your provider to switch your coverage to the new vehicle. However, you’ll need to buy coverage if you don’t have car insurance. This big question is, “How long do you have to get auto insurance after purchasing a new car?”
How Long Can You Wait To Insure Your New Car
A grace period usually covers your new car from when you leave the dealership to a specific time. This grace period varies from insurer to insurer and state by state. However, some states in the US don’t give grace periods for insuring a new car, requiring drivers to buy new coverage or switch their insurance immediately after purchase. The penalties for driving without insurance in the US include the following:
- R-22 insurance fees
- Vehicle impoundment
- Driver’s license suspension
- Hefty fines of up to $5,000
- Vehicle registration suspension
- License and registration reinstatement fees
- Mandatory community service and jail time
You need to do the following to avoid incurring these penalties:
- Buy coverage for your vehicle immediately.
- Research the grace period laws in your state
- Contact your provider to learn more about their policy.
Usually, you have a week to 30 days to add your new vehicle to your coverage. However, it’s best to call your insurer immediately after you buy the car to stay safe.