You probably hope you’ll never need to file a claim when you buy auto insurance. You will need to file one when the unexpected happens. Filing an auto insurance claim is a challenging process. An insurer can deny your claims for many reasons, so it is vital to understand why your insurance claim might be denied and what you can do.
Why Your Auto Insurance Claim Was Denied
Here are a few reasons insurers reject auto insurance claims:
- You made a fraudulent claim.
- You have insufficient coverage.
- You fail to report the accident on time.
- You haven’t paid their monthly premiums.
- You didn’t get immediate medical attention.
- You don’t understand what is covered in your policy
- You provided fraudulent information during the application process.
How to file a car insurance claim
Follow the guide below to ensure your claim won’t get denied.
- Take pictures of the scene.
- Note the time and date of the accident.
- Write down the contact information of eyewitnesses.
- Contact your insurer to tell them about the accident.
- File a police report immediately. Without a police report, you might not be able to establish who was at fault.
- Don’t accept the blame for an accident.
- Document all communication regarding your insurance claim, whether verbally or in writing.
- Consider going to your insurer preferred repair shop. This might speed up the claim process. But don’t repair it until you have spoken to your insurance agency.